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Prefect blocks store configuration and provide an interface for interacting with external systems.

Blocks expose methods that provide functionality specific to the systems they interface with. For example, blocks can be used to download data from or upload data to an S3 bucket, query data from or write data to a database, or send a message to a Slack channel.


Block types are Python classes with a handy UI webform for configuration. Blocks are instantiation of these classes with specific values.

Configure blocks through Python code or via a form in the UI. Access blocks for use in Python code.

Block values are stored in Prefect Cloud or your self-hosted Prefect server instance. Blocks can be shared with other users in your Prefect Cloud workspace.

To see block types available for configuration, use prefect block type ls from the CLI or navigate to the Blocks page in the UI and click +.

The block catalogue in the UI

Blocks and parameters

Blocks are useful for configuration that needs to be shared across flow runs and between flows.

For configuration that will change between flow runs, we recommend using parameters.

Prefect built-in blocks

Commonly used block types come built-in with Prefect. These block types can be created via the UI and used without installing any additional packages.

Block Slug Description
Azure azure Stores data as a file on Azure Data Lake and Azure Blob Storage.
Custom Webhook custom-webhook Calls custom webhooks.
Discord Webhook discord-webhook Calls Discord webhooks.
Date Time date-time Stores a datetime value.
Docker Container docker-container Runs a command in a container.
Docker Registry docker-registry Connects to a Docker registry. Requires a Docker Engine to be connectable.
GCS gcs Store data as a file on Google Cloud Storage.
GitHub github Interacts with files stored on public GitHub repositories.
JSON json Stores JSON data.
Kubernetes Cluster Config kubernetes-cluster-config Stores configuration for interaction with Kubernetes clusters.
Kubernetes Job kubernetes-job Runs a command as a Kubernetes Job.
Local File System local-file-system Stores data as a file on a local file system.
Mattermost Webhook mattermost-webhook Sends notifications via a provided Mattermost webhook.
Microsoft Teams Webhook ms-teams-webhook Sends notifications via a provided Microsoft Teams webhook.
Opsgenie Webhook opsgenie-webhook Sends notifications via a provided Opsgenie webhook.
Pager Duty Webhook pager-duty-webhook Sends notifications via a provided PagerDuty webhook.
Process process Run a command in a new process.
Remote File System remote-file-system Stores data as a file on any remote file system that supports fsspec.
S3 s3 Stores data as a file on AWS S3.
Secret secret Stores a secret value. The value will be obfuscated when this block is logged or shown in the UI.
Sendgrid Email sendgrid-email Sends notifications via Sendgrid email.
Slack Webhook slack-webhook Sends notifications via a provided Slack webhook.
SMB smb Stores data as a file on a SMB share.
String string Stores a string value.
Twilio SMS twilio-sms Sends notifications via Twilio SMS.


The S3, Azure, GCS, and GitHub blocks are deprecated in favor of the the corresponding S3Bucket, AzureBlobStorageCredentials, GCSBucket, and GitHubRepository blocks found in the Prefect integration libraries.

Blocks in Prefect integration libraries

Some block types that appear in the UI can be created immediately, and then the corresponding integration library must be installed for use. For example, an AWS Secret block can be created, but not used until the prefect-aws library is installed.

Block types can be created by anyone and optionally shared with the community. You'll find block types available for consumption in many of the published Prefect integrations libraries. If a block type is not available in the UI, you can register it via the CLI.

Integration Block Slug
prefect-aws ECS Task ecs-task
prefect-aws MinIO Credentials minio-credentials
prefect-aws S3 Bucket s3-bucket
prefect-azure Azure Blob Storage Credentials azure-blob-storage-credentials
prefect-azure Azure Container Instance Credentials azure-container-instance-credentials
prefect-azure Azure Container Instance Job azure-container-instance-job
prefect-azure Azure Cosmos DB Credentials azure-cosmos-db-credentials
prefect-azure AzureML Credentials azureml-credentials
prefect-bitbucket BitBucket Credentials bitbucket-credentials
prefect-bitbucket BitBucket Repository bitbucket-repository
prefect-databricks Databricks Credentials databricks-credentials
prefect-dbt dbt CLI BigQuery Target Configs dbt-cli-bigquery-target-configs
prefect-dbt dbt CLI Profile dbt-cli-profile
prefect-dbt dbt Cloud Credentials dbt-cloud-credentials
prefect-dbt dbt CLI Global Configs dbt-cli-global-configs
prefect-dbt dbt CLI Postgres Target Configs dbt-cli-postgres-target-configs
prefect-dbt dbt CLI Snowflake Target Configs dbt-cli-snowflake-target-configs
prefect-dbt dbt CLI Target Configs dbt-cli-target-configs
prefect-docker Docker Host docker-host
prefect-docker Docker Registry Credentials docker-registry-credentials
prefect-email Email Server Credentials email-server-credentials
prefect-gcp BigQuery Warehouse bigquery-warehouse
prefect-gcp GCP Cloud Run Job cloud-run-job
prefect-gcp GCP Credentials gcp-credentials
prefect-gcp GcpSecret gcpsecret
prefect-gcp GCS Bucket gcs-bucket
prefect-gcp Vertex AI Custom Training Job vertex-ai-custom-training-job
prefect-github GitHub Credentials github-credentials
prefect-github GitHub Repository github-repository
prefect-gitlab GitLab Credentials gitlab-credentials
prefect-gitlab GitLab Repository gitlab-repository
prefect-kubernetes Kubernetes Credentials kubernetes-credentials
prefect-shell Shell Operation shell-operation
prefect-slack Slack Credentials slack-credentials
prefect-slack Slack Incoming Webhook slack-incoming-webhook
prefect-snowflake Snowflake Connector snowflake-connector
prefect-snowflake Snowflake Credentials snowflake-credentials
prefect-sqlalchemy Database Credentials database-credentials
prefect-sqlalchemy SQLAlchemy Connector sqlalchemy-connector

Use existing block types

Blocks are classes that subclass the Block base class. They can be instantiated and used like normal classes.

Instantiate blocks

To instantiate a block that stores a JSON value, use the JSON block:

from prefect.blocks.system import JSON

json_block = JSON(value={"the_answer": 42})

Save blocks

To retrieve this saved value use the .save() method:"life-the-universe-everything")

To update saved block value stored for a given block, overwrite the existing block by passing overwrite=True:

Create a new JSON block by setting the name parameter to a new value:"actually-life-the-universe-everything")

Note that blocks can also be created and updated via the Prefect UI.

Load blocks

The block name can be used to load the block:

from prefect import flow
from prefect.blocks.system import JSON

def what_is_the_answer():
    json_block = JSON.load("life-the-universe-everything")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    what_is_the_answer() # 42

Alternatively, load a block with the unique slug that is a combination of the block type slug and the block name.

To load our JSON block from above, run the following:

from prefect.blocks.core import Block

json_block = Block.load("json/life-the-universe-everything")
print(json_block.value["the-answer"]) #42

Delete blocks

Delete a block with the .delete() method:

from prefect.blocks.core import Block


Alternatively, use the CLI to delete specific blocks with a given slug or id:

prefect block delete json/life-the-universe-everything
prefect block delete --id <my-id>

Creating new block types

To create a custom block type, define a class that subclasses Block. The Block base class builds on Pydantic's BaseModel, so custom blocks can be declared in the same manner as a Pydantic model.

Here's a block that represents a cube and holds information about the length of each edge in inches:

from prefect.blocks.core import Block

class Cube(Block):
    edge_length_inches: float

You can include methods on a block to provide functionality. Here's the same cube block with methods to calculate the volume and surface area of the cube:

from prefect.blocks.core import Block

class Cube(Block):
    edge_length_inches: float

    def get_volume(self):
        return self.edge_length_inches**3

    def get_surface_area(self):
        return 6 * self.edge_length_inches**2

Use the new Cube block type in a flow:

from prefect import flow

rubiks_cube = Cube(edge_length_inches=2.25)"rubiks-cube")

def calculate_cube_surface_area(cube_name):
    cube = Cube.load(cube_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    calculate_cube_surface_area("rubiks-cube") # 30.375

Secret fields

All block values are encrypted before being stored. If you have values that you would not like visible in the UI or in logs, use the SecretStr field type provided by Pydantic to automatically obfuscate those values. This functionality can be useful for fields that are used to store credentials such as passwords and API tokens.

Here's an example of an AWSCredentials block that uses SecretStr:

from typing import Optional

from prefect.blocks.core import Block
from pydantic import SecretStr  # if pydantic version >= 2.0, use: from pydantic.v1 import SecretStr

class AWSCredentials(Block):
    aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None
    aws_secret_access_key: Optional[SecretStr] = None
    aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None
    profile_name: Optional[str] = None
    region_name: Optional[str] = None

Because aws_secret_access_key has the SecretStr type hint assigned to it, the value of that field will not be exposed if the object is logged:

aws_credentials_block = AWSCredentials(

# aws_access_key_id='AKIAJKLJKLJKLJKLJKLJK' aws_secret_access_key=SecretStr('**********') aws_session_token=None profile_name=None region_name=None

Prefect's SecretDict field type allows you to add a dictionary field to your block that will have values at all levels automatically obfuscated in the UI or in logs. This functionality is useful for blocks where typing or structure of secret fields is not known until configuration time.

Here's an example of a block that uses SecretDict:

from typing import Dict

from prefect.blocks.core import Block
from prefect.blocks.fields import SecretDict

class SystemConfiguration(Block):
    system_secrets: SecretDict
    system_variables: Dict

system_configuration_block = SystemConfiguration(
        "password": "p@ssw0rd",
        "api_token": "token_123456789",
        "private_key": "<private key here>",
        "self_destruct_countdown_seconds": 60,
        "self_destruct_countdown_stop_time": 7,

system_secrets will be obfuscated when system_configuration_block is displayed, but system_variables will be shown in plain-text:

# SystemConfiguration(
#   system_secrets=SecretDict('{'password': '**********', 'api_token': '**********', 'private_key': '**********'}'), 
#   system_variables={'self_destruct_countdown_seconds': 60, 'self_destruct_countdown_stop_time': 7}
# )

Block type metadata

The way that a block is displayed can be controlled by metadata fields that can be set on a block type's subclass.

Available metadata fields include:

Property Description
_block_type_name Display name of the block in the UI. Defaults to the class name.
_block_type_slug Unique slug used to reference the block type in the API. Defaults to a lowercase, dash-delimited version of the block type name.
_logo_url URL pointing to an image that should be displayed for the block type in the UI. Default to None.
_description Short description of block type. Defaults to docstring, if provided.
_code_example Short code snippet shown in UI for how to load/use block type. Default to first example provided in the docstring of the class, if provided.

Nested blocks

Blocks are composable - a block can be used within other blocks. You can create a block type that uses functionality from another block type by declaring it as an attribute.

Nestable blocks are loosely coupled, as configuration can be changed for each block independently. This allows configuration to be shared across multiple use cases.

To illustrate, here's a an expanded AWSCredentials block that includes the ability to get an authenticated session via the boto3 library:

from typing import Optional

import boto3
from prefect.blocks.core import Block
from pydantic import SecretStr

class AWSCredentials(Block):
    aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None
    aws_secret_access_key: Optional[SecretStr] = None
    aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None
    profile_name: Optional[str] = None
    region_name: Optional[str] = None

    def get_boto3_session(self):
        return boto3.Session(
            aws_access_key_id = self.aws_access_key_id
            aws_secret_access_key = self.aws_secret_access_key
            aws_session_token = self.aws_session_token
            profile_name = self.profile_name
            region_name = self.region

The AWSCredentials block can be used within an S3Bucket block to provide authentication when interacting with an S3 bucket:

import io

class S3Bucket(Block):
    bucket_name: str
    credentials: AWSCredentials

    def read(self, key: str) -> bytes:
        s3_client = self.credentials.get_boto3_session().client("s3")

        stream = io.BytesIO()
        s3_client.download_fileobj(Bucket=self.bucket_name, key=key, Fileobj=stream)
        output =

        return output

    def write(self, key: str, data: bytes) -> None:
        s3_client = self.credentials.get_boto3_session().client("s3")
        stream = io.BytesIO(data)
        s3_client.upload_fileobj(stream, Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=key)

You can use this S3Bucket block with previously saved AWSCredentials block values in order to interact with the configured S3 bucket:

my_s3_bucket = S3Bucket(

Saving block values like this links the values of the two blocks so that any changes to the values stored for the AWSCredentials block with the name my_aws_credentials will be seen the next time that block values for the S3Bucket block named my_s3_bucket is loaded.

Values for nested blocks can also be hard coded by not first saving child blocks:

my_s3_bucket = S3Bucket(

In the above example, the values for AWSCredentials are saved with my_s3_bucket and will not be usable with any other blocks.

Update custom Block types

Let's add a bucket_folder field to your custom S3Bucket block that represents the default path to read and write objects from (this field exists on our implementation).

Add the new field to the class definition:

class S3Bucket(Block):
    bucket_name: str
    credentials: AWSCredentials
    bucket_folder: str = None

Then register the updated block type with either Prefect Cloud or your self-hosted Prefect server instance.

If you have any existing blocks of this type that were created before the update and you'd prefer to not re-create them, migrate them to the new version of your block type by adding the missing values:

# Bypass Pydantic validation to allow your local Block class to load the old block version
my_s3_bucket_block = S3Bucket.load("my-s3-bucket", validate=False)

# Set the new field to an appropriate value
my_s3_bucket_block.bucket_path = "my-default-bucket-path"

# Overwrite the old block values and update the expected fields on the block"my-s3-bucket", overwrite=True)

Register blocks

Prefect comes with many blocks pre-registered and ready to use. If you do not have a block available for use, you can register it.

Blocks can be registered from a Python module available in the current environment with a CLI command like this:

prefect block register --module prefect_aws.credentials

This command is useful for registering all blocks found within a module in a Prefect Integration library.

Alternatively, if a custom block has been created in a .py file, the block can also be registered with the CLI command:

prefect block register --file

The registered block will then be available for configuration.