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Access attributes of the current flow run dynamically.

Note that if a flow run cannot be discovered, all attributes will return empty values.

You can mock the runtime attributes for testing purposes by setting environment variables prefixed with PREFECT__RUNTIME__FLOW_RUN.

Available attributes
  • id: the flow run's unique ID
  • tags: the flow run's set of tags
  • scheduled_start_time: the flow run's expected scheduled start time; defaults to now if not present
  • name: the name of the flow run
  • flow_name: the name of the flow
  • flow_version: the version of the flow
  • parameters: the parameters that were passed to this run; note that these do not necessarily include default values set on the flow function, only the parameter values explicitly passed for the run
  • parent_flow_run_id: the ID of the flow run that triggered this run, if any
  • parent_deployment_id: the ID of the deployment that triggered this run, if any
  • run_count: the number of times this flow run has been run